Dining Options
Get alerts about preparing meals and places to eat. These helpful opt-in notification advertisements are free member subscriptions delivered minimally two times weekly by email and text to US mobile phones, per the category selected.
Have inquiries? info@scoopandshare.com
Mindlerts are advertisement notifications that can be both informational and the result of paid marketing services. The opt-in notifications are delivered per subscription. Mindlerts can be customized based on the categories subscribers select. Customers can subscribe to as many Mindlert categories preferred.
Note: Though processes are managed to avoid duplications, it's possible that customers may receive duplicated messages.
Have questions? Email: info@mindlert.com
Mindlerts can be cancelled at anytime.
Our goal is to ensure customer deliveries are as expected. Service concerns can be emailed to info@mindlert.com.
Delivery for Mindlerts requested are scheduled to being within three business days of order receipt. US premium-client users can subscribe to have Mindlerts delivered to US mobile text as a verification service.
Shipping inquiries? Email info@mindlert.com