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I can't find an answer to my question.For more information, email: You'll receive a response to your question within 72 hours. Thanks for your patience.
How do you select products, services or information to advertise at"Under editorial direction, TPN Company representatives and community contributors suggest products, services and information to advertise at that can lead to positive outcomes for consumers. Though TPN Company does not offer any guarantees regarding quality, availability, delivery expectations or any outcome assumed, expressed or expected, TPN Company works to advertise products, services and information that have reflected consumer-friendly nd helpful practices. TPN Company considers community feedback regarding all advertisements. TPN Company does not support discriminatory, hateful or disruptive communication and works to remove any such content. Email any concerns:
Is there a membership fee?There is no cost to become a TPN Company member. However, there are premium member-client services available. Learn about member benefits, see Membership Policy.
Does TPN Company offer a referral program?TPN Company does not offer a referral program. However, TPN company representatives do offer suggestions based on personal experience and public facing information that indicates customer first processes.
How do I post on Scoop and must become a member first to post at, then request authorization to publish. Though there is no cost for a basic membership, all membership publishing requests are reviewed and must be authorized by a TPN Company representative.
Can anyone post on authorized sponsors and TPN Community members in good standing with authorization can provide posts at
"Customer First Processes" What does customer first processes mean?A customer first process is defined as the steps that brands (businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals, merchants, vendors, etc.), take to encourage consumer-friendly interactions that focus to sustain customer satisfaction and provide an overall positive experience.
Can my membership be terminated?Yes, both free and premium memberships can be terminated at member request or for violation of our member policy. Members that are identified as "not" in good standing, are not authorized to interact with TPN properties or its community.
How do I get my product, service or information advertised at"Complete the advertisement request form, or send product, service and information requrest for advertisement to
How do I get my product, service or information reviewed by Lita?"Send product, service and information review requests to
Is a TPN Membership the same as community membership?Yes, both TPN Community and, along with offline flagship publication communities are the same and pertain to the same member policy guidelines.
Who owns Williams, is owner and founder of Ask Lita, Business People Connection LLC, dba The Positive Network Company. Scoop and Share (R) trademark business and consumer lifestyle publications and related domains (including, (but not limited), along with publishing by Lita services. Send inquiries to
Does TPN Company provide consumer or prospect leads?Yes, as a consumer opt-in free membership service and Business People Connection service, and in conjunction with a TPN Company Premium Subscription Membership. Upon consumer inquiries, connections can include advertised or sponsor contact information. TPN Company leads are not promised or guaranteed, nor is any outcome promised. The Member Content Program and TPN Company Networking Program requires an agreement and related conditions and fees.
Customer 1st Process defned
Member Terminaton
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