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“View  samples of my writing style, including personal commentary and some favorite website content designs, along with thoughtful creatives"  Lita Williams


-- Get in the fast line ... is your next leap in wireless connectivity.  The design is lean and the capability handles dense environments with multiple connections required to stay ahead in business.


--Boost efficiency and experience  with technology enhanced by … the next generation gaming devices.



-- TOMORROWS CONNECTION, AVAILABLE TODAY Why wait for a competitive advantage when you can get it now?  Introducing high-quality images with broad-range deployment, ... connects you to the future today.

… drives gigabit speeds over Wi-Fi providing a true performance boost.  As industry input demands differentiated traffic and services, operator dreams remain at the forefront.  Check out the stats:

…  immersive experience, future-proofing and an ecosystem able to handle a seamless wireless experience.

--Boost efficiency and experience  with technology enhanced by … the next generation gaming devices.

“Get On Course”

Take charge of your professional goals with the assistance needed for success.


Instruction provided by Lita Williams


Course outcome:  participates gain insight and useful tools for effective planning and engagement of professional objectives.


Need a track to run on or maybe help with getting back on a more effective path toward achieving your goals?  This course provides the assistance required for professionals to define and articulate what’s needed to move forward action plans for success.  Through informal instruction, candid discussion and the sharing of simple techniques, participants will receive strategic guidance to get on course!



Participants are invited to share personal and professional experiences.

Discussion -

Recognize what you want, where you’re at and what you need to focus on for goal attainment

  1. Vision

  2. Self Evaluation

  3. Critical Review


Clean Up and Position Your Future

  1. Methods

  2. Action Plan

  3. Critical Review


Take Action

  1. Commitment

  2. Monitoring

  3. Wrap Up

Like most people, I appreciate great customer service.  With competition surging, alongside an increase in conveniences for consumer spending, it's more important than ever that those in the business of selling products, services or information become more alert, proactive, attentive, engaged and responsive to cultivate positive experiences for consumers.  Otherwise customer service becomes at risk.


When customer service is at risk, sells, referrals and repeat business are also at risk. However, when customer issues are addressed timely and effectively, opportunities to develop valued customer interactions and long-term customer relations occur with ease.

Stay Conscious

What is your highest kindness score?

I believe that we all can give out more kindness to help life be a bit more joyful for everyone.  -Lita

What's your highest kindness score in one day, week, month or for the year?  Starting today, count the number of times you make a kind jester, smile, or offer an encouraging word or action to brighten someone's day.  Really, think about it.  At the end of the day, what would you say is your kindness score? 

Seriously, how many times have you made a negative judgement about someone you don't even know?  For example, what do you do when you pass someone walking toward you?  Do you look away and try to act like you don't see the person just a short distance from you? Next time you realize that you're about to judge or ignore someone for no good reason, take note; then take the time to give kindness to someone before the day ends.

Join me to increase kindness.  I believe we can make life at least a little more joyful for the people around us. 


My goal is to be socially conscious each day.   However, doing so is not always easy.  Though I try to see everyone in my path with an open heart, sometimes, I fail.  When I realize that I've missed an opportunity, I work to focus harder on being conscious of my actions and nonactions with greater sincerity to increase my kindness score.  As I continue to work toward being more socially conscious, I'm reminded that a positive expression given, is not only for the receiver, but for the giver's consciousness too.

logo design

Website Design To compare current refreshed website design and content developed by Lita, with Lita's older website, also designed and customized by Lita for, see wayback link. Lita's current

logo design

Brand Development & Communication Management

Digital and Customer Relations Management Compare Dr Bailey's refreshed website customized by Lita with Dr. Bailey's old site completed by another vendor by viewing the wayback links listed. ​ Dr. Bailey's refreshed website provided by Lita:

girl holding microphone

Podcast Development and Editing


Brand Collateral Design

Portland Scoop Image

Content Marketing



"I've written, edited and updated several proprietary blogs, newsletters and social posts for the businesses that I've supported.  I designed brand collateral for entrepreneurs and developed branding communications, incentive programs and advertising copy for large corporations.  Let's connect to discuss how I can assist your objectives too."

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