Our member only publication connects consumers to helpful products, services and information made available by diverse businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals in the marketplace.

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Join our community at no cost to scoop and for sharing with us about positive experiences that you observe happening in the marketplace. You are invited to opt-in our member community to scoop updates that you can share with your network, family and friends too! Connect today for upcoming publications.
Publishing by Lita offers business and consumer lifestyle advertising publications to showcase helpful products, services and information made available by diverse businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals. The flagship publication, Scoop and Share is a registered trademark and is accessible to opt-in members at no cost, along with directory assistance. Content for the publication is developed and curated from open-sources, Internet trends, community discussions, public opinions, and testimonials about consumer solutions. Topics include house and home matters, workplace organization, healthy living options, and leisure interests for shopping, dining and traveling.
Publishing by Lita offers premium services for customized publications as well. Got a helpful product, service or information that you'd like us to promote? Ask Lita about merchant services for content marketing, including a customized publication, designed specifically to showcase products, services and information that matters most to you and your brand. To align content that can be scooped by your targeted audience, the merchant service offers customized content and support as a premium fee membership. For more information email info@AskLita.com